Ovarian Malignancy

Ovarian Malignancy – Routine Investigations & Specific Investigations

Routine Investigations

  1. Hemogram, Blood group;
  2. Liver function tests;
  3. Kidney function tests;
  4. Fasting and postprandial blood sugars;
  5. Urine – routine/microscopy;
  6. X-Ray chest (PA view);
  7. ECG.

Specific Investigations

  1. Tumor markers
    • CA-125 >35 UI/l in epithelial tumors;
    • CEA
    • AFP – Increased in embryonal carcinoma and endodermal sinus tumor;
    • HCG – Increased in choriocarcinoma;
    • PLAP, LDH – Increased in dysgerminoma
    • Inhibin B – Increased in granulose cell tumor
  2. USG and USG guided FNAC;
  3. Contrast enhanced CT scan;
  4. Intravenous pyelography (IVP);
  5. Barium enema – To rule out carcinoma of colon;
  6. Colonoscopy, upper GI endoscopy to rule out Krukemberg tumor ;
  7. Cystoscopy if spread to bladder is suspected;
  8. Endometrial biopsy, endocervical curettage – if history of postmenopausal bleeding or menstrual irregularities;
  9. Ascitic fluid tap for biochemistry, cytology for confirmation of tissue diagnosis.

Cabinet Ginecologic

Cabinet Ginecologie / Ecografie 2D, 3D, 4D, Doppler Color
Videocolposcopie / Planificare familiala

Telefon: 0250 74 41 51 Ramnicu Valcea, Cartier Nord Str. Rapsodiei Nr. 14 Bl. D1-3, Sc. B, Ap. 3 Parter - Interfon 03
