Ectopic Pregnancy: Diagnosis

H&P, serial hCG levels, decreased progesterone levels, decreasing estradiol levels, increasing MSAFP, C-reactive protein and CA-125 levels, vaginal US, cureyyage, culdocentesis (+if ruptured but <20% will not be +), laparoscopy (misses 2-4% due to being small plus risk and expense is increased).

If hCG fails to increase by at least 66% or > in 2 days –> a non-viable pregnancy should be assumed. hCG<50% increase in 48 h --> abnormal pregnancy.

Abnormal pregnancy then hCG rises or falls very slowly and NO POC or pathology –> strongly suspect ectopic.

Serum progesterone

  • <5ng/ml -->abnormal pregnancy
  • >25ng/ml –> lviable pregnancy
  • <15ng/ml --> most ectopics

Ultrasound diagnosis – sca can normally be seen with TVUS when hCG level is between 1000 and 2000 mlU/ml (first and second IRP).

Cabinet Ginecologic

Cabinet Ginecologie / Ecografie 2D, 3D, 4D, Doppler Color
Videocolposcopie / Planificare familiala

Telefon: 0250 74 41 51 Ramnicu Valcea, Cartier Nord Str. Rapsodiei Nr. 14 Bl. D1-3, Sc. B, Ap. 3 Parter - Interfon 03
